The 90’s Vision & Dream, Today’s Nightmare, & The Solution Moving Forward.


90’s Vision & Dream

Survivability Wealth Managementfounder and MLi Group  chairman Khaled Fattal have been involved in the global infrastructure of the Internet, its resiliency, stability, and security since the mid-90’s.

Fattal championed, led and actively contributed at the highest levels in making the internet the Multilingual Internet it is today through international institutions and forums such as the United Nations (UN), International Telecommunications Union (ITU),  Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the UN Internet Governance Forum (UN IGF), and many others. Today, many consider him one of the fathers of the Multilingual Internet.

The vision and dream were to deliver digital information society that would create a more informed and empowered citizen for a better world and humanity. 

This vision has sadly turned into today’s nightmare that demand unprecedented interventions. 


Today’s Nightmare | 

Unmitigated Geo-Poli-Cyber™ (GPC™) attacks impacting financial institutions globally are on the rise, and their sinister motivations are encapsulated in today’s new GPC™ Risk Vector. The threats of this vector remains largely unprepared for by national and corporate authorities. This is elevating the risks on corporate security and survivability and on national sovereignty. 

GPC cyber attacks can be even more devastating when combined with Purposed Disinformation™ which often include specially orchestrated fake News & false narrative campaigns by agents of domestic and foreign enemies and presumed allies.

This growing GPC threats cannot be mitigated with cyber security solutions that keep failing, nor by simply buying more high-tech services. It warrants equally unprecedented strategies, solutions and interventions and which led to the creation and launch of Survivability Wealth Management™  and its unrivaled strategies and distinguished solutions. 


The Solution & Moving Forward.


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What Is Geo-Poli-Cyber™?

What Is Geo-Poli-Cyber™?

MLi Group created the terms Poli-Cyber™ and Geo-Poli-Cyber™ (GPC™) in 2012 and 2013 based on the philosophy that if you cannot identify and name the threat, you cannot mitigate that threat.

Geo-Poli-Cyber™ attacks are political, ideological, terrorist, extremist, ‘religious’, and/or geo-politically motivated.

More Sinister Than Financial Motivations

Geo-Poli-Cyber™ attacks are significantly different from financially motivated cyber-attacks in damage, scale, magnitude as well as in risk mitigation strategies and solutions.

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